
Menno Haven Cottages

Senior Living- Chambersburg, PA
eciConstruction is proud to have worked on the Menno Haven Cottages in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania.
Phase II of the Menno Haven Cottages project has progressed, with fourteen units finished and turned over to residents, leaving eight units to complete. The finished fourteen units have grass planted, sidewalks and patios poured, and their utilities complete. Paving is also scheduled for the end of October. The exterior brick and stone veneer will finish this month, and the final eight units will proceed with interior finishes. Each of the cottages is in a different phase, and daily construction is critical for all trades to stay on track. Shawn Kirby is instrumental to Phase II, overseeing the completion of each unit and making sure resident move-ins go smoothly. Kevin Rhoads and Kirk Stone are installing kitchen and bathroom cabinets in all units. Steve Lis is the Project Manager, and Chris Lengle is the project’s Superintendent.
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